Dr. Youssef Josephson, DO is a Pain Medicine Specialist whose practice is located in Voorhees, NJ. He has over 16 years of experience in the medical field having graduated from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey / New Jersey School of Osteopathic Medicine Medical School in 2005. After having completed a residency with North Shore – Long Island Jewish Health System, Dr. Josephson was Fellowship trained at Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia. He is Board Certified in Pain Medicine/Management. His practice focus is on interventional pain management care.
He regularly shares his knowledge and expertise with other physicians throughout the United States as a hands-on teacher of cutting-edge procedures and techniques using the latest medical devices on the market. Dr. Josephson is fluent in the following languages: English, Arabic, and Lithuanian. In addition to performing procedures at Premier Surgical Center, he is affiliated with medical facilities such as Jefferson Washington Township Hospital and Jefferson Cherry Hill Hospital.